Avian influenza continues to attract attention
The World Veterinary Poultry Association’s 17th congress in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico, has largely focused on diseases that affect poultry production around the world, such as Newcastle disease and Gumboro. Avian influenza, in particular, has garnered the most attention at the show, with the presence of the disease continuing to be a global problem.
Other scientific lectures have been presented on vaccination, adenovirus, immunosuppression and coccidiosis, as well as intestinal health and minerals. The congress boasts an attendance of over 900 people from 59 countries, with the largest contingent coming from Mexico and many other delegates representing the United States, Central and South America and Europe. A total of 285 papers, 226 posters and many lectures on relevant topics are being presented.
Many top companies are at the event, including Ceva, Bachoco, Merial, IASA, Avimex and Pfizer, among others.
The 2013 WVPA congress will take place in Nantes, France, on Aug. 19 through 23, 2013.